Friday, May 25, 2012

Do you love Me more than these? Do you love Me? Do you love Me?

Today's Reading -

Wishing you all a Blessed Friday!  By the grace of the God, I had the prompting to write today, so here I am sharing with you. Hoping that in one way or another you might find blessing from it.

According to Don Schwager's reflection in the gospel today, when Jesus asked Peter the first question "Do you love me more than these?", He is most likely referring to the boat, nets and the fishes. I guess the same question can be asked of us today in our times...Do we love our material possessions more than Jesus? On top of that, Peter was asked the same question three times and he said yes, but then Jesus told him the kind of death he would suffer. Let's put ourselves in Peter's shoes. Supposed we were asked by Jesus three times the same question and told about how we would die...would we still say yes? Would we still follow Him?

There was a saying that "There is no glory without the cross". In our daily lives, knowing full well that in some shape or form we will encounter difficulties, just as St. Peter validated his "Yes" with his actions, we must also do the same and still cling to matter what.

This is easier said than let me share with you my story. Recently, I have been given a cross to carry that involves another person...the situation has gone so complicated, I was ready to quit and give up...burn bridges and never face that cross, which I have done so many times in the past. I prayed so hard and begged the Lord to take this cup from me (multiple times)...but at the end of that prayer, I will always say...but not my will Lord, but Yours. I was in dark for days, but by the grace of God, the light and spirit of joy even if its so little, never died down...God would remind me of ways to smile and laugh through it all, and I still persevered in praying even if its so hard. So one day, I was driving to work after I have done my prayers, I saw a truck in front of me with a bumper sticker that says "God can make miracles" or somewhere along that line. I kind of chuckled and took that as Gods message for me. There were other signs pointing me to face the cross, but I kind of ignored it, because I just didn't want to carry it. The last one I remembered was the verse in a song that I shared with a friend..."Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord". And so I waited, impatiently (like a kid) as it might seem...I waited. Honestly...I was ready to give up...then suddenly...lo and behold...without me lifting a finger, that person finally approached me and we were able to resolve our issue, just like that. But I am nowhere near to what St. Paul and St. Peter did...not even close...

So in the readings today, what made St. Paul and St. Peter stay the course? It's faith...regardless of what the situation maybe. My wife sent me this wonderful email today from sfspirit website...and it's about the Gift of Faith, I was truly blessed by it so now I am sharing it with you:

It is probably the most important charism of the gifts of action: The gift of Faith is kind of power that can move mountains of Mt.21:21 "Truly I say to you: If you had faith and did not doubt, not only could you do what I have done with the fig tree, but you could even say to the mountain: Go and throw yourself into the sea and it would be done. Whatever you ask for in prayer full of faith, you will receive".
This is the charism of faith: To remove the mountains of hate and envy and prejudice and abortion,and to start a TV program without any money, or to find shelter for millions like Mother Theresa, or to help millions like the Red Cross, or to convert thousands of Hindus without knowing their language like St. Francis Xavier did, or to go on with joy in your hard job or marriage or apostolic work.

Stay the course...Jesus loves you!

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