Friday, April 27, 2012
Whoever eats my Flesh and drinks my Blood has eternal life.
Today's Readings -
If I tell you that you can go to heaven everyday would you go? According to Dr. Scott Hahn, "Heaven is just as close as your nearest church". In New York at St. Patricks Cathedral, there is a mass going on every hour. But then for many of us Catholics, we have taken for granted what it really means to be in the mass. I mean look around you on Sunday, do the people around you look ecstatic to be there? Do they show reverence to what they are about to partake? Do they really feel the real presence of Jesus?
We can't blame them. Living in the world sometimes can make Sunday mass a routine. Problems in life, loss of a job, financial difficulty, new gadgets, false teachings...etc. can sometimes draw us away from really experiencing the real value of the mass. If we do profess that Jesus is ever present in the eucharist, and we revere the Word of God, we would be bowing down our heads, face on the ground, for we would not be able to stand in His presence. But as it is, God somehow allowed that, so that at least, even if we dont see, we would still be able to receive His Word and His Body and Blood. Can you see how good and humble our Lord is?
In yesterday's Gospel, Jesus said "No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draw him, and I will raise him on the last day" (John 6:44). For some people, especially the saint and the mystics, they have been given the grace to actually see the glory of Jesus in the mass. Some saints even go into ecstasy and some even float up in the air. Because they have been drawn by God to deeper relationship with Him to know Him and to find Him. We too are called by God everyday. And not just us, the entire world! regardless of race or color, God wants to draw us to Himself. But as with any other relationship, we must be open to the grace of God so that He can work in us. In today's Gospel, Saul (who later became Paul), was breathing murderous threats against the disciples of the Lord (1 Acts 9:1). You would think that there is no way on earth can God pick a person like him. He killed all the holy ones of God. But God in His mercy drew Saul to Him, and he became a changed man, and proclaimed the Gospel.
So just when you think you are not worthy of Gods love, just look in the Scriptures, look at the history of the Church and the saints, look at the people God picked to glorify His name. This is so that we cannot boast on our own, but in the Lord who draws us to Him. And even more we have the gift to receive Him in the eucharist as often as we can for the Scripture says "Whoever eats my Flesh and drinks my Blood remains in me and I in Him" (John 6:56). I hope the next time we go to mass, we will be truly reminded of where we really heaven!
Jesus loves you!
I highly recommend "The Lambs Supper" by Dr. Scott Hahn, to get a greater understanding of the mass and the Book of Revelation. This book changed my whole view of the mass.
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