Friday, April 4, 2014

Mercy = Healing

It's been a long time since I last wrote a blog. So many changes has happened since then, including the new addition to our family, but one thing remains constant...the love of God and that the mercy of God endures forever. You can see it and feel it, as you walk outside today and experience this nice spring weather. When you go outside, even for a brief moment, take a deep breath...look at the sky...feel the air and the sun...and say "Thank you Lord!".

After reading half way through the book that I am reading "Healing through Mass" by Fr. Robert Degrandis, I can't help but share some insights. In the early days of the church, mass are considered a "healing mass", unlike today, where it has to specifically be called "healing mass" for it to be considered "healing". It doesn't have to be. Every mass that you go to is healing, that's how powerful it is. That in every part of the mass, there is healing going on. We just have to open our eyes, and appreciate the mass moment by moment, word by word, action by action.

It is said in the book, that one aspect of the healing properties in the mass is the mercy of God. We ask for that mercy when we say the Penitential Rite and the Lord have Mercy prayer. And as we receive that mercy, we are also asked to impart that mercy to others. When we receive Jesus in the Holy Eucharist, we become the hands, feet...mouth, eyes, ears of God.

"When you, or any of My children, have mercy on someone, it is equivalent to Me having mercy on that same person, because of My Spirit, which dwells in you. Mercy is a missing link in loving. You cannot love without being able to have mercy. You cannot have mercy if you do not love!" pg. 46 Healing Through Mass by Fr. Robert Degrandis

And in the wisdom of the church through our cathecism, she has identified the works of mercy for us, into seven corporal and seven spiritual works of mercy. It is good to remind ourselves of the corporal and spiritual works of mercy.

And they are:

Corporal: feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked, shelter the homeless, visit the sick, ransom the captive and bury the dead.

Spiritual: instruct the ignorant, counsel the doubtful, admonish the sinners, bear wrongs patiently, forgive offenses willingly, comfort the afflicted, pray for the living and the dead.

So, have you treated others with mercy today? Let us together with God's grace to commit to be more merciful to one another.

Jesus loves you.

Update 4/4/2014:
Sometimes a lot of the healing doesn't come because of our unforgiveness. We may not know about it, but we have stored up anger and unforgiveness in the past, that we are not aware that need to be forgiven. According to a talk by Fr. Degrandis, some, if not most of the widowers have athritis. He asked them if there is anything that needs to be forgiven in their life, but they could not recall any. But later on realized through word of knowledge that they are angry towards God because of the death of their spouse. They were angry at their spouse for leaving them. So it is worthwhile, to have a deep reflection of that state of our soul and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal what is blocking God from healing us.

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