Today's Readings -
Let us reflect on this - What is the connection of the paralytic in the gospel reading to "entering into his rest" in the first reading? The answer lies on how we truly honor the Lord's day and the Lords call to rest.
We all work hard to support our families, to nourish our body, and to support others. There is nothing wrong with working hard, it becomes wrong when working hard consumes us to a point where rest, prayer and family time is almost non-existent. It also becomes wrong when we are forcing ourselves to work hard just to support a lavish lifestyle. For example, working hard (sometimes over time), even on the Lords day just to buy that shiny new gadget or to buy that designer leather bag. We have to carefully evaluate what is the right balance in work, life and prayer.
Back in the days when I did not know the importance of honoring and observing the Lords day, I would consume myself with chores in the house, from lawn mowing to house repairs and maintenance, sometimes working from home on weekends and they all consumed me. The moment we get out of church on a Sunday, the order of the day is building up in my head already, if not, I'd be spending the rest of the afternoon watching baseball game or just about anything else on TV. I failed to even think about God even for a second or spend spiritual quality time with my spouse and my children. No wonder I was always tired and exhausted, and I feel as if the weekend is not enough. Now going back to the question about the relationship of the paralytic and resting, looking at myself before, I feel as if I was paralyzed by the work and chores that I put upon myself on weekends that there is no way for God to come into my heart.
According to the message of Our Lady of Lasalette, "I have given you six days to work. The seventh I have reserved for myself yet no one will give it to me. This is what causes the weight of my Son's arm to be so heavy".
So my dear brother and sisters, "Let us be on our guard while the promise of entering into his rest remain" (Hebrews 4:1)
We must also be careful not to be to obsessed about this call to rest that we forget to help others and our reponsibilities. For some, like in the medical profession, working on Sundays sometimes is a given. In everything that we do, and if its unavoidable to work on the Lord's day, let us always remind ourselves to offer everything up to Him.
Jesus loves you.
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