Happy Friday! May the peace of Jesus be with you all! Last weekend I attended the Charism School by Damian Stayne, hosted by the New Jersey Catholic Charismatic Renewal Conference. And I tell you after that weekend, I feel empowered, edified and on fire...a million times! (I'm talking in the Charismatic terms of expounding). I'm serious! Now more than ever, I am utterly convince that in this day and age, we need the charisms more than ever. People need to know that Jesus is alive! Because we cannot just simply separate the charisms from the Holy Spirit. Yes doing good works, worshiping, giving money...etc. they are all good...but when Jesus and the apostles and the early church walked on the earth, they were also performing miracles, healings and casting out demons.
John 14:12 says "Amen, amen, I say to you, whoever believes in me will do the works that I do, and will do greater ones than these, because I am going to the Father."
Let us ask ourselves, especially those belonging to the charismatic prayer group. Are the charisms being used in our prayer group? our daily lives? are the fruits of the Holy Spirit being manifested? or are we suppressing it? are we just content with just listening to good praise music? are we content with the just meditating on the word of God without putting it into action? According to Damian Stayne. "The early church go it right!" They know that Jesus did make "love" his aim, and performed mighty deeds, because he knows that when people starts to see the manifestations of the Holy Spirit, it completely changes their life, and people starts to see that God is in their midst.
Let us use today's gospel as an analogy. Imagine if Jesus spoke to Nathanael and did not use his gifts of charism, in this case the Word of Knowledge. Imagine if Jesus had just said "Nathanael, I am the Messiah". Do you think Nathanael will believe him right away? He was doubting him already because he knows so much about Nazareth and that no good can come out of Nazareth. But because Jesus used the Word of Knowledge and has told him that He saw him under a fig tree, without Jesus being present...immediately there was a nuclear reaction in him and his faith exploded! Immediately, Nathanael believed the Son of God and uttered "Rabbi, you are the Son of God; you are the King of Israel."
So for those belonging to Charismatic Prayer Groups, I challenge you now, believe that Jesus has promised that you will do greater things like He did, believe that you will perform miracles, healings and casting out demons. "Strive eagerly for the greatest spiritual gifts." 1 Cor 12: 31. Do not suppress the Holy Spirit, let it work in your ministry. This is the call of our church today for the new evangelization. And for those who do not belong to a prayer group, look for one now, have a personal relationship with Jesus, and look for Baptism of the Holy Spirit. If you need more info on the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, you can message me on the comments and I will reply to you personally.
Remember the early church got it right! They made love their aim and they allowed the Holy Spirit to work through them, through the charisms. Let us follow their example.
"Pursue love, but strive eagerly for the spiritual gifts, above all that you may prophesy." 1 Cor 14:1
Jesus loves you!
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